The Great Houdini of New Mexico


Leaving Arizona was a piece of cake! We hopped in the car fairly early and made our way down route 40. There are a ton of really cool places to stop along the way. First stop was Flagstaff. I imagined a bigger city but there were no high rises at all! The old town was cool but it was early in the morning and nothing was open. Second stop was the Meteor Crater! 6 miles off the highway was another huge hole in the earth— Catlin said its what made the dinosaurs extinct. Blake thinks she is full of it. The ride to the crater was cool, open land with a few mountains but the colors were the best: pink, blue, orange and yellows! When we got to the crater it was highway robbery how much they were charging to see the ice cream scoop out of the earth so we bounced.
Third, fourth and fifth stops included Navajo and Hopi Indian shops. The Petrified forest was nearby so lots of petrified wood for sale and other Nativa American artifacts- it was really cool. We bought a saddle blanket that we thought was made by the Navajo tribe. Once in the car Cat looked at the tag and saw it was made in India- close enough right?? My new name is Dances with Wolveswhich sounds dangerous but ill go with it. We made it to New Mexico and what a site!!! Just beautiful.

We stopped for lunch at Blake’s Lotsaburgers for obvious reasons.


We arrived in Santa Fe and Cat and Blake tossed me in the room. There was no where to hide so Dances with wolves was exposed. I wasn’t happy. They left and went to dinner and to walk around the old town. Apparently the Santa Fe Plaza is really cool with lots of shops and restaurants. Cat bought a bunch of x-mas ornaments to accompany all the other junk we have in the car. They walked around and checked out all the sites like the St Francis Church- Cat bought a “Francis” ornament for her grandmother Frannie who we are seeing in a few days. Cat and Blake ate dinner at a bar and grill overlooking the plaza and took a long walk after. The Santa Fe sunset was incredible so they went to the top of a parking garage to watch it.

Here is where my greatest magic trick took place. When Cat and Blake got home I was missing. I heard them ruffling around the room, lifting beds and cursing. They screamed my name a bunch but Houdini himself taught me to hide inside of empty drawers and I wasn’t gonna make it that easy for them. They ran out of the room, looked under cars and went to the front desk demanding to see video footage to find out who had taken me!!! I had cat burglared myself!!
Blake finally figured out to look behind the drawers–but I alluded him again and snuck under a crack in the bed. After the whole room was turned upside down they finally found me and boy was I in trouble. I won’t be doing that again

We are now off to Marfa Texas to sleep out on the desert in a teepee/safari tent.

Enzo goes cross country!!!

One thought on “The Great Houdini of New Mexico

  1. Love these posts and “Houdini the dancing wolf’s” comments. Sounds like he gave you quite a start (that’s English for scare). I do know that angry felines can be very creative when they don’t wish to be found. Sounds like Blake finally figured out that he needed to think like a cat! Hope the Teepee in Marfa is escape proof. You may have to hog tie him. Send a picture if you do. Don’t forget that picture at Prada store. Safe travels. Xo Mum

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