
I’m a real road warrior! After leaving Marfa we had an intense drive ahead of us and I partied so hard in the car (slept). It was quite hot so I parked it towards the front, in between my two besties, and appreciated the AC that was blowing straight to my dome.

It was a fairly boring ride- lots of tumbleweeds and dirt. We finally got to a super cute town called Fredericksberg where a bunch of Germans settled years ago. I wish I had my lederhosen! Cat and Blake walked around the town and found out there was a peach festival that weekend so we found a bunch of roadside peach stands. YUMMO
We had no idea the LBJ was born in Texas let alone had his hometown named after him. Kind of incredible that an American president came from such a small place. There were also a ton of ranches surrounding Johnson City– apparently Texas is like Africa these days, they love their wild and exotic animals!
After sweating for 7 hours we made it to my Austin Aunts, Lauren and Elena’s house. Lauren was home and was so kind and she had two dogs that kept yelling at me but I didn’t mind. I got a huge room to rest my paws and those dogs were locked out! Cat, Blake and Lauren jumped in the pool while I spritzed myself with water and watched the boob tube.


The clan showered and headed to South Congress St for food and libations. They ended up at Perlas, this amazing seafood place and had the most perfect meal. Lauren introduced Cat to a new drink that is persecco and aperol liqueur, YUM. Elena was stuck in Dallas on a flight delay, which saddened us, so we went to Deep Eddies Cabaret, the best dive bar, to have a mini mug of beer in her honor! They also played the best music including Patsy Cline which reminded Cat of her mother who used to blast the record in their house when she was younger.

This morning we woke and really wanted to see Elena who was stuck in a meeting so we went to Home Slice Pizza for a quick bite. Cat is a huge pizza snob and LOVES this pizza. It’s NY style which is her fav. We then stopped by Elena’s office to say hi. She doused me in kisses and I really love her. Both my AA (Austin Aunts) are so awesome. I can’t wait to come back.
Blake wanted to stop at Jesse James Speed Shop. Cat doesn’t care for him as he cheated on Americas Sweetheart Sandra Bullock but he repairs cars/motorcycles and man are they awesome.


We are now off to New Orleans– my southern drawl is really coming out and I’m slower than normal. Which means I’m barely moving.

Enzo goes Cross Country!!!

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