Capitol Cruisers

I’ve gotten real comfortable in this car and if Blake would give up the wheel I would corner this thing like it was on rails. I no longer hide in the back of the SUV but now plop myself in the center console or stick my whiskers out the windows. It’s glorious.
I kept my head out the whole way to Washington DC. We parked at our hotel in Pentagon City and took the subway to metro centre which is in the heart of DC. After grabbing lunch Cat had the genius idea of renting the bikeshares that the City provides. There was no way we would have done all that we did without those bikes. We saw all the major monuments and even hit up the Air and Space Museum.


A list of what we saw and stopped at!
Capitol Building
Air and Space Museum
Washington Monument
White House
Potomac River
WW 2 Memorial
Lincoln Memorial (fav)
MLK Jr Memorial
Jefferson Memorial






Although it was balls hot out it was beyond enjoyable to see these historical spots. Blake really nerded out in the Air and Space museum , who knew we would spend 2 hours there looking at engines and historical planes! By the end of the day I looked like a wet rat and not a fluffy feline but it was well worth it. We ended up getting dinner at some Asian place in DC and took subway home. We were all pooped so we watched a movie and passed out.

We awoke the next morning and packed it in for what was beginning to be the end of our road trip. We had one more stop to see Frannies husband — Grandpa– at Arlington Cemetery where he is buried. He was a POW in WWll and an overall great man. I never met him but Catlin said he would have played my harmonica for me. He liked to play. Arlington is very beautiful yet sat at the same time. So many funerals and gun salutes taking place while we were there. I guess where grandpa was laid to rest it was quite empty and now it’s filled with gravestones of the fallen– young and old.

We saw Kennedy’s grave- and Jackie O whose style I love. Camelot is just so interesting to me and to see their spot was touching. The tomb of unknown soldier is touching as well. It was hot again and we had a long drive ahead of us. We are headed to Nana’s house in CT where we will see her and all of Cats girlfriends. They are crazy fun and make me belly laugh always.
I think Montauk is in sight- I can taste the salty air already!!

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