Tri-State HOG


If you are on a diet then don’t go on a road trip. I swore I would only eat veggies and fruit from roadside stands and dine at local yet somewhat healthy eateries. That ethos was thrown out the door the second we crossed the CA/AZ border. Yes, I could stop at groceries stores and get carrot sticks and hummus but that’s no fun. Sad fact is that there aren’t that many choices outside of the major cities, hence my ever expanding waistline. Today as we left LA and headed to Mississippi we got gourmet hot dogs. Then Blake got fries at McDonald’s and then I convinced them to get Krystal Burger in Alabama for dinner. The fat kid award goes to ENZO!!!!!
Maybe all this eating was due to the fact that we were in the car all day today!


We were supposed to go to Memphis but since it is literally 99 degrees everywhere we go we made a detour to the Gulf of Mexico for a swim. The water was a little brown due to a recent storm but the water warm and the sand as fine as wine. I declined the swim as I just got a kitty blow out in NOLA but Cat and Blake enjoyed the beach thoroughly.


After the Gulf we decided to power to Nashville to sleep tonight. This decision will take us through three states today, 4 hours of Howard Stern on Sirius, lots of food and lots of maps. We tried to find a plantation house in the Deep South but most were off the beaten path and we didn’t have time. Maybe tomorrow!!! I have 800 cousins in Bama and would like to spend more time in that Sweet Sweet Home…

Bama Sunset

Night before the super moon Alabama vista
