Montauk Monster

That’s me in my new house in MTK. I have so many windows to watch for bugs and look out for deer. I’ve nominated myself the Chief of the neighborhood watch and I’m doing a great job. Let me rewind a little cause we have been in MTK almost a week now and we have done some cool things between my last correspondence and now.
Last Saturday we headed to RI for the wedding of Seth and Genna. Let me tell you what fun this shindig was. First off, the scenery was amazingly beautiful and hats off to the bride for such a glamorous locale. The wedding overlooked the bay with sailboats going by- magnificent. I also met all of Cats agency friends who she used to work with in NYC- I can see why she misses them, they are so much fun.



The whole thing was perfect but one of my favorite parts was when Seth and his mom danced to Michael Jackson’s thriller! It was awesome.

We then went back to CT to spend time at Nana’s house. I felt a little car sick so I puked on her couch- no one was happy with me but I couldn’t help it.
Next day we leave for Montauk with two major pit stops. One at Super Duper Weenie and the other NYC!!!


After a stop for a work thing in Soho we hopped on the LIE bound for Montauk. We arrived, sopping wet cause of the rain, to our new home. Of course I love it cause there are a ton of hiding spots and lots of bugs to catch but Catlin isn’t that stoked. She will make do, she always does.


Yabba Dabba Do The Grand Canyon


I cracked a joke this morning that I would “Flintstone” myself to the Grand Canyon if I had to. You see, Cat and Blake refused to bring me to the hole in the earth bc they thought I would get too hot. I can be quite a diva at times but there are a few circumstances where I will allow my fur to matte, this is one of them. We ended up compromising- they would live stream their trip to my I-pad and I would watch the adventure from the comfort of my air-conditioned room. Let’s just say pizza and Dom Perignon might show up on the room service bill.
What I saw today was exactly what Catlin and Blake saw and it was magnificent. They took off around 10am and 30 minutes into the drive they stumbled upon a town named BEDROCK. Yup, where Fred, Wilma, Barney and Bam Bam live. It was a complete replica of our favorite cartoon, The Flintstones. Cat even hitched a ride on a Brontosaurus!!! It was pretty insane spot in the middle of nowhere.


After they Viva’ed Rock Vegas it was off to one of the seven wonders of the world. I had no idea that its actually surrounded by a beautiful forest. The route to get to the actual canyon was quite scenic. After handing our federal park pass to the cute ranger in an even cuter outfit they were off to Mather Point where their “grand” adventure would begin. Scoring an epic parking spot we saw the Canyon and what a sight she was! We really had never seen anything like it at all–and the depth was insane and just the pure beauty. We were speechless. That awe lasted about five minutes and then Blake went to and from the car about 4 times to change his shoes, swap t-shirts and to eat lunch. Cat and Blake finally hit the pavement and started the Rim Trail Walk. There were so many insane lookouts but two of the coolest were Bright Angel Trail and The Abyss. Bright Angel was an actual trail that zig-zagged down the Canyon. Catlin was scared out of her mind bc there were no railings and massive amounts of tourists everywhere. I was on the edge of my seat. They even went through a large tunnel on the trail and took a ton of photos on many of the amazing look outs. It was really cool. Apparently you can go down to the bottom of the canyon on foot or a mule but not in one day- it’s quite dangerous to do that. And after doing the Bright Angel walk there was no way any of us were getting on a mule- talk about a liability! The Colorado River is at the bottom and we caught glimpses of it at various look outs. It would be really fun to white-water raft that one day.
After the trail we hopped on the free shuttle bus and headed towards Hermits Trail. You can hike that trail too but it’s for the very experienced- which none of us are. We jumped off at The Abyss and took some photos. It’s a long long way to the bottom here and the vastness at this spot was incredible. I can’t believe that this place actually exists. From the Abyss we cruised to Puma Point where we walked a mile and a half to Hermits Trail. We were out of water and tired by then but it was a great day. We hopped on the bus back to Mather Point and had an adult beverage at El Tovar, the fancy lodge up there. It’s an all black cabin and has a very rustic and pioneer feel to it. By this time is was 5:30 and we had an hour drive home. It was sad to say goodbye to the Canyon but she treated us well! I turned my iPad off and waited for them to get home.

The hotel is located in a town called Williams on Historic Route 66 and boasts one long street with 2 stop lights. We were really hungry so we headed to “Cruisers”, a diner with a lot of neon signs and ribs! Before we got there we came upon a pioneer “street duel” which was a reenactment of a famous street fight in the 1800’s. People were dressed in costumes and lots of horses and buggies were there!
Dinner was great! We split the bbq ribs and thank god we did, the plates could have fed four people but man were they good!!!
We are headed to Santa Fe tomorrow- and might stop at a spa in Sedona along the way. I need a pedi!

Enzo cross country!


I went to the Grand Canyon and all I got was a picture of myself in front of the Grand Canyon poster

Packed In


Today was interesting. I was thrown out of every room I wanted to rest my head because my psycho mom Catlin was packing up everything. Even Blake got mad when she packed all the forks and he wanted to eat his take-out pasta. She is a real mad woman when it comes to making sure we have no access to any of our stuff!

I think we have too many boxes but we will know when the movers come tomorrow. Catlin keeps saying everyone is a “pirate hooker” and I think that’s slang for love. I really heart being a pirate hooker so much that I left three presents this morning on the carpet. Barf!

I think we are moving to grandma and grandpas tomorrow- which I think is our final destination in Montauk but we shall see.

Enzo on the road!

Packing Up


So my family, Cat and Blake, have decided to up-root my quiet and comfortable life and move to a place called Montauk. The neighborhood cats say its really fancy but personally I don’t know what to think. I was told to pack my penny loafers and whale shorts—its a “thing” out there apparently. Montauk isn’t as bouji but I do hope I fit in. I might need to drop a few pounds but as Tim Gunns says “make it work”.

We are driving to get to this place called Montauk. I hate cars and I fear these close quarters will force me to actually sleep next to the surfboards and suitcases, how mundane.  I promise to throw up at least twice as revenge. Secretly I am looking forward to all the places I keep hearing them talk about like the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, Marfa, Austin, New Orleans, Memphis, Asheville, Fredericksberg, Washington DC (to see Bo the White House dog I think), NYC, New Haven, Essex, Newport and finally Montauk.

We are leaving in a few days but in the meantime I will give these humans a hard time and lay about on all their stuff before the movers come.

This Cross-eyed cat is ready to GO!

Paws up everybody….